Talking, eating, and drinking are all important to your well-being; not to mention, they’re simple activities that we take for granted. If you’re experiencing jaw pain, caused by jaw conditions, these everyday activities can be very painful and uncomfortable. Let’s discuss …
Proper Jaw Function is Important – Common Jaw Conditions
As we know, the health and proper functioning of your jaw are essential for everyday activities such as talking, eating, and drinking. Jaw pain and discomfort, often associated with various jaw conditions, can significantly impact your quality of life. Here are some common jaw conditions and how they can affect daily activities:
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD): TMD is a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects your jaw to your skull. It can cause jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty in opening and closing your mouth. Everyday activities like chewing and speaking can become painful and challenging for individuals with TMD.
- Bruxism: Bruxism is the habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, often during sleep. It can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and even tooth damage. Individuals with bruxism may experience discomfort during eating and talking due to the strain on their jaw muscles.
- Malocclusion: Malocclusion refers to misaligned teeth or an improper bite. When your teeth don’t align correctly, it can lead to jaw pain and difficulty in biting and chewing food properly. Malocclusion can also affect speech.
- Jaw Fractures: Jaw fractures can occur due to trauma or accidents. In such cases, speaking, eating, and drinking can be extremely painful or nearly impossible until the fracture is treated and heals.
- Jaw Arthritis: Arthritis affecting the jaw joint can cause pain and stiffness, making it challenging to perform daily activities that involve jaw movement.
- Infections: Infections in the jaw, such as dental abscesses or salivary gland infections, can lead to swelling, pain, and difficulty in opening the mouth. This can affect eating and speaking.
- Jaw Tumors or Cysts: Growths or abnormalities in the jawbone can cause pain and swelling, impacting the ability to perform everyday tasks comfortably.
If you’re experiencing jaw pain or discomfort that interferes with your daily activities, it’s essential to seek prompt evaluation and treatment from a healthcare professional. Depending on the underlying cause of your jaw condition, treatment options may include medication, physical therapy, orthodontic treatment, oral surgery, or other specialized interventions.
Managing jaw pain and addressing the root cause of your jaw condition can help improve your quality of life and make talking, eating, and drinking more comfortable and enjoyable activities once again.
We’re here to help you get to the bottom of what could be wrong and help you move forward onto treatment to correct your problem and get you out of pain.
Just the Facts about Jaw Conditions
Among the many possible causes of jaw conditions are infection, cancer, injury, inflammation, and genetic and birth defects. But, did you know:
- Jaw conditions can occur in any age group or population.
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) is a common jaw condition in the United States.
- Between 5 – 12% of people in the United States have TMJ
- TMJ is more common in younger people, particularly women
- In children, a common jaw condition is a birth defect known as cleft palate.
- Malocclusion (misalignment) of the teeth is a common cause of jaw problems in children and adults.
- Common causes of jaw problems in middle-aged adults:
- Impacted wisdom teeth
- Periodontal disease
- Jaw clenching
- Poorly fitting dentures are a common cause of jaw problems in older adults and seniors.
- Signs and symptoms of jaw conditions vary depending on the specific type of jaw disease, disorder, or condition. Common symptoms include jaw pain and difficulty chewing.
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome is often caused by tension, spasm, or fatigue of the muscles that allow a person to chew, called the masticatory muscles.
- Seek immediate medical care (call 911) for serious symptoms that include:
- severe injury to the face
- bleeding
- inability to open or close the mouth
- difficulty breathing or swallowing
Causes of Jaw Conditions
Jaw conditions develop from a number of causes. Most commonly, people have jaw pain as a result of:
- Jaw infection
- Benign or malignant tumors
- Trauma to include head injury, dislocation or fractures
- Inflammation
- TMJ Disorder
- Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Medication side effects
- Dental abscess
- Periodontal disease
- Poorly fitting dentures or dental appliances
- Genetic diseases and disorders
- Birth defects
- Arthritis
What are the Symptoms of Jaw Conditions?
Jaw conditions cause dysfunction and pain in the jaw and face region that may result in a number of symptoms. The symptoms can vary in intensity among individuals, based on the type of condition they are suffering from.
TMJ Symptoms and Causes
The temporomandibular joints, called TMJ, are the jaw muscles and joints that make it possible to open and close your mouth. Many patients refer to it as “TMJ”. Located on each side of your head, the TMJ or jaw muscles work together when you speak, chew or swallow and include ligaments, muscles and the jaw bone. They also control the lower jaw (mandible) as it moves backward, forward, and side to side.
Although not life threatening, if TMJ disorder is left untreated, it can contribute to significant discomfort and tension. Chronic pain can even lead to the development of diseases like anxiety and depression.
Related Article: Are You Experiencing Jaw Pain? You could have TMJ!
Symptoms of TMJ Disorder include:
- Jaw pain or tenderness
- Chewing difficulty or discomfort
- Difficulty opening and closing mouth (locking of the joint)
- Earache (aching pain around and in your ear)
- Ringing in the ears
- Aching Facial pain
- Headaches
- Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
- Grating or clicking sounds in the jaw joints
- Uneven bite
- Misaligned teeth
TMJ disorders can also cause a grating sensation or clicking sound when you chew or open your mouth. If you are not experiencing jaw pain or limited movement with your jaw clicking, you probably don’t need treatment for a TMJ disorder. However, if left untreated, the TMJ symptoms increase in number and severity as you get older.
Possible causes of TMJ disorders include:
- Arthritis
- Dislocation
- Injury
- Tooth and jaw alignment
- Stress and teeth grinding
What should I do if I suspect TMJ Syndrome?
Bite problems associated with the alignment of the jaws, muscles and teeth cause the majority of TMJ disorders. By adjusting your bite (the way your teeth come together), many times we can properly align the teeth, muscles and jaws to be in the most comfortable positions. This alignment correction will often reduce or eliminate your TMJ symptoms.
Consultation of your TMJ issues by Dr. Skrobanek is an important first step in determining the best course of treatment.
Bruxism Symptoms & Causes
Bruxism is a condition where you grind, gnash, or clench your teeth. Not only does this mean you may clench your teeth while you’re awake, but it also means you grind your teeth at night. When you grind at night, it’s also known as sleep bruxism. If you do this, you’re also prone to other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or snoring.
Symptoms related to bruxism (tooth grinding and jaw clenching) include:
- Chewed tissue on the inside of the cheek
- Chronic facial pain
- Earache
- Enlarged jaw muscles
- Headache
- Increased tooth sensitivity
- Indentations on the tongue
- Jaw pain or tightness in jaw muscles
- Pain while chewing
- Teeth grinding or clenching
- Damaged teeth that are worn down, flattened, fractured or chipped
- Worn tooth enamel that exposes deeper layers of the tooth
Possible causes of Bruxism include:
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Anger
- Tension
- Frustration
- Coping strategy or habit during deep concentration
What should I do if I suspect Bruxism?
If you know you are grinding your teeth, or if you suspect teeth clenching and grinding may be to blame for pain or other symptoms, see a dentist. They can examine your teeth for wear to determine if you grind them. They can also look at your bite and alignment.
Teeth grinding is a common condition and treating it early is important to avoid significant dental complications. Your dentist is a good resource for diagnosing and treating bruxism.
Dr. Skrobanek can help prevent cracked and fractured teeth by designing a mouthguard or oral appliance to wear at night to keep you from clenching and grinding your teeth. As we know, there is a link between dental health and mental health and thankfully, mouthguards are a wonderful way to protect your teeth at night. They can also help with sleep apnea and snoring. Each mouthguard will be custom-made by Dr. Skrobanek to fit your mouth comfortably and will keep your teeth separated so they don’t grind together.
There’s more good news: Custom mouthguards or oral appliance therapy is covered by many insurance plans and the team at GPS Dental can help answer any questions you may have about your coverage.
Related Articles:
- Mouthguards Protect Your Smile – They Aren’t Just for Athletes!
- Stressed Out Oral Health: Gum Disease, Clenching and Grinding
- More on Mouthguards from HealthLine
Other Symptoms
There are a number of other causes of jaw conditions. Symptoms will vary depending on the underlying cause and you may or may not be experiencing jaw pain. Examples of symptoms include:
- Bleeding
- Deformity of the jaw or face
- Lump in the jawbone or surrounding tissues
- Redness, warmth or swelling
- Stiffness or spasms
Symptoms Indicating a Serious Condition
In some cases, a jaw condition can be a serious condition that should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting. Seek immediate medical care (call 911) if you, or someone you are with, have any of these serious symptoms:
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty swallowing
- Painful chewing
- Locked jaw (unable to open or close)
- Numbness or tingling sensation
- Severe bleeding
- Stiffness, spasm
Related Article: What is a Dental Emergency and Why Dental Emergency Care is Important
Diagnosis is an important step before treatment. Consult with Dr. Skrobanek, the dentist who treats TMJ disorders and Bruxism in the San Antonio area, to determine what type of jaw condition is causing you to suffer. If you are experiencing jaw pain, part of your dental examination will include checking the muscles and joints for clicking, popping, tenderness or difficulty moving.
It’s also important to stay up to date on your cleanings and routine visits to your dentist. In the meantime, having a strong and steady oral health routine – brushing twice a day and flossing once – is the best thing you can do for your oral health! If you are experiencing jaw pain, don’t hesitate to call us immediately.
Dr. Gary P. Skrobanek and his experienced, friendly team at GPS Dental offer affordable family dentistry and gentle dental care in the San Antonio, TX area. Our Brooks City Base dentist office is conveniently located and offers early morning appointment times Monday through Friday to meet your needs. At GPS Dental, we provide most dental services, from family and general dentistry to dental implants, sleep apnea, TMJ / TMD Treatment, cosmetic dentistry and much more. We accept most dental insurance plans and offer affordable financial solutions for any budget. Call us at (210) 633-3477 to make an appointment.