Custom Mouthguards: Not Just for Sport! For several years now, the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine (or CPAP mask) has been the “go to therapy” among sufferers of sleep apnea. While this device has proven itself as an extremely effective method of treatment, many people who suffer simply cannot tolerate the awkward and sometimes uncomfortable … Continue reading Get Some Sleep: Custom Mouthguard for Sleep Apnea
All posts by Genny Skrobanek
Dental Health Services for Your Children
Help your children “Defeat Monster Mouth”!! February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and the American Dental Association is asking people to “Defeat Monster Mouth.” At GPS Dental, we strive to work with our little patients and educate them and their families by offering dental health services for all ages. National Children’s Dental Health … Continue reading Dental Health Services for Your Children
How are Diabetes and Oral Health Related?
Diabetes and Oral Health As you probably already know, there are many people who suffer from the condition known as diabetes. What you might not know is that approximately 9.3 percent of people in the United States alone have been diagnosed with or suffer from some form of diabetes. However, 1 in 4 suffers are … Continue reading How are Diabetes and Oral Health Related?
Local Dentist vs Corporate Dentistry
Buy Local Movement We’ve seen the shift of “mom and pop” locally-owned businesses to corporate conglomerates and big box stores. Many of these big corporations are wonderful and have given us countless options that we never had before. However, we’ve noticed a change in the “personal touch” that we loved receiving from local business owners. … Continue reading Local Dentist vs Corporate Dentistry
New Year, New You: Dental Health Awareness
We begin the New Year with resolutions or goals in various areas of our lives … including family, finances, health, fitness and career. However, it’s also important to our overall wellness that we also strive for optimum dental health. We have all noticed various articles urging us to brush and floss daily and make … Continue reading New Year, New You: Dental Health Awareness
Tooth Extraction: Will my dentist pull my tooth?
The Old Stereotype From the origins of the profession to even more modern times, there has been a long-standing fear of going to the dentist among the general public, a fear that until recently has remained pretty consistent. That old caricature of a dentist as a scary, mad-scientist type, who’s (of course) bent over pulling … Continue reading Tooth Extraction: Will my dentist pull my tooth?
Custom Mouthguards help Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea Symptoms: 10 Signs You May Have Sleep Apnea Lack of sleep is reaching epidemic levels in the United States and much of the sleeplessness that we are experiencing is self-induced; from late-night TV to the blue glow of late-night screen time with your favorite device. I guess you can call it techy-induced insomnia. … Continue reading Custom Mouthguards help Sleep Apnea
Oral Cancer Screening at Your 6-Month Dental Appointment
Is November the Forgotten Month? As the eleventh month of the year, November is something of a time of transition and perhaps a pre-curser to the busy upcoming holiday season, thus November may resemble the proverbial “calm before the storm.” Apart from Thanksgiving of course, for many this might truly be the case as with … Continue reading Oral Cancer Screening at Your 6-Month Dental Appointment
Brighten Your Holiday Smile with Whitening Trays
Whitening Trays are Safe & Effective: The holiday season is a time when you want to put your best face forward, and that means flashing your friends, family, and colleagues a natural-looking, clean, bright smile. To optimize your smile and make sure that you are not accidentally harming the enamel of your teeth or your … Continue reading Brighten Your Holiday Smile with Whitening Trays
It’s Halloween… Why is Candy Bad for Your Teeth?
Why is Candy Bad for Your Teeth? Halloween is the time of year that includes many traditions, such as carving pumpkins, dressing up in costumes and going Trick-or-Treating! Unfortunately, the candy sticks around longer and can create a lot of damage that we don’t usually think about. As grown-ups we think about all the calories … Continue reading It’s Halloween… Why is Candy Bad for Your Teeth?